FlashNano 2019, Day 13
“Sorry, sorry!”
“You’re… late.”
“Yes, I know, sorry. Please accept my apologies, ah… I know your culture finds this a lack of decorum, but it’s been a bad day so far.”
“It’s still… early morning.”
“See what I mean?”
“I’m not… sure.”
“We will have to work on subtext, I see.”
“Step by step. I’ll explain. Oh dear!”
“Do you need… some rest?”
“No. No, I’m fine. I just came running, I knew I was late.”
“Look, to start with, I broke my bathroom mirror this morning.”
“It must have been… an inconvenience. Pieces everywhere, yes?”
“Yes, but it means seven years of bad luck!”
“It does?”
“Yes. And I had to clean up the mess. Then at breakfast, I tipped the salt shaker, it split open and the salt spilled out.”
“I don’t think… I understand.”
“Another bad luck omen. Remember we talked about them?”
“Omens. Yes. I’ll check.”
“I had to clean it as well. Next I went to take the tram, but with the mirror and the salt, I arrived late. I saw it leaving. Had to wait for the next one, which turned out was running late. And guess which number it was?”
“Thirteen, of course.”
“Ah, I see it… here in my pad.”
“Yes. And to top it all off, right after the market square I thought I saw myself standing there, waiting at a red traffic light. It was eerie.”
“That is… a doppelganger, yes?”
“Yes. And it brings bad luck, too.”
“I… see. But it also says here… that these are all… superstitions, yes? Not to be believed?”
“Well, I’m not saying I believe in them… But too many coincidences may make you into a believer!”
“Well… You humans say we… look like cats. And I’m black. And we are… friends, are we not?”
This is my flash for Day 13 of FlashNano 2019, (idea by Nancy Stohlman). The prompt for today was “Write an unlucky story OR Write a lucky story.” And here it is.